The Church’s

Worship Service, Bible Study & Evangelism

The Church’s

Worship Service, Bible Study & Evangelism

Kom til Jesus! af David Christensen- Aarhus Bibelkirke


Worship Service

Worship Service

We meet every Sunday at 10.00 am for our worship service in downtown Aarhus, where we praise God with worship songs, pray together, and hear the preaching of God’s word followed by communion. After the worship service, we always have lunch and fellowship, where you and your family are more than welcome to join us.

Kom til Jesus! af David Christensen- Aarhus Bibelkirke
den 12-årlig Jesus i templet


Bible Study

Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 7:30 pm, we have Bible study and prayer together in the homes of the church members. We focus on sermon discussion and relevant biblical topics to grow our understanding of the Bible’s teachings so we can faithfully live for God’s glory in all areas of life.

Evangelisation - Aarhus Bibelkirke




Every second Friday, we have street evangelism in the center of Aarhus from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. We start our time in prayer before handing out tracts and talking to people on the street about the gospel and eternal hope in Christ.

Evangelisation - Aarhus Bibelkirke